Top Third-Party Logistics Provider Amstan Logistics Announces Best-In-Class Services

By AmstanOH on 5 January 18 Logistics Provider


January 5, 2018 – Cincinnati, OH – There are many options when choosing a third-party logistics provider, but more and more companies are discovering that few can compete with Amstan Logistics.  For over forty years, Amstan Logistics has provided the best in shipping and logistics and support, backed by superior technology and a dedication to customer service.  In fact, they have been delivering goods for American Standard for decades!

Amstan Logistics now offers best-in-class services with the following benefits:

  • Route Optimization:  A leader in intermodal transportation, Amstan offers customers a wide variety of options in shipping methods and routes, with advanced analytical systems providing precise optimization based on needs.
  • Dynamic Freight Tracking:  Amstan utilizes the latest in freight control and tracking systems, giving clients precise up-to-the-minute status reports, which can also be passed on to end customers.
  • Detailed Cost Analysis:  Amstan works tirelessly to improve their own efficiency, as well as assist clients with their own efforts at cost analysis and optimization to drive down supply chain costs.
  • Administrative Support:  Amstan has the systems and workflow in place to easily handle billing, payments, reporting, audits, and other bureaucratic requirements involved in shipping.  These services are provided to clients at greatly reduced costs.

It is little wonder that more companies are turning to Amstan Logistics when they need best-in-class logistical services and support.  For companies both large and small, Amstan Logistics is the superior choice among third-party logistics providers for supply chain management.

About Amstan Logistics, Inc

Amstan Logistics grew out of a private fleet created for the purposes of improving distribution efficiency, before being formally incorporated in 1971.  Since then, Amstan has always sought to embrace the most up-to-date methods for distribution and logistics and has been a leader in adopting new technologies that allow for increased levels of efficiency.  Today, Amstan is trusted by companies across the nation for superior logistical and shipping management services, with a top-level corporate commitment to creating even more value for their customers.

For more information or press inquiries, contact (855) 808-4874 or visit


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